OC Deep Learning Meetup
OC Deep Learning Meetup
Axis Research & Technologies is proud to be a sponsor of the OC Deep Learning Meetup group at it's Health Sciences Education & Bioskills lab in Irvine, CA.
Nick Moran CEO of Axis Research & Technologies said "I was approached by Sean Goodwin the founder of the OC Deep Learning group, who said he believed this would be a win/win and if there is a way to help others learn and grow new ways to experience and increase their health, fitness and quality of life, that is something we want to support."
The facility boasts an amphitheater with stadium seating for 100+ people along with several custom configureable rooms in the 10,100 sf facility. Plus a high bandwidth wireless video conferencing system great for remote educational purposes.
"We are so happy to be at such a great facility! With our group consisting of data scientists, computer programers, engineers, and entrepreneurs using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning to solve problems in health care we just know some great solutions are going to come out of working together." Goodwin explains.
The group had their first meeting at Axis Research & Technologies facility on Wed. March 2, and plans to continue to meet monthly bringing in various experts on subjects relating to Deep Learning, AI & healthcare. Since supporting the advancement of medical technology, practice and education is one of Axis Research & Technologies main objectives, it fits perfectly with the OC Deep Learning group's desire to integrate AI & Deep Learning into real world solutions.
If interested in the OC Deep Learning group and/or to find out how you can benefit from the research in deep learning, artificial intelligence or biomedical education at the Axis Research & Technologies Bioskills lab contact info@axisrt.com